La Luna

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28 Beautiful Words The English Language Should Steal
26 Beautiful Words The English Language Should Steal
'The New Moon' by Shirley Kite, 1927. Appeared in “The Music Hour; First Book” Illustrated by Shirley Kite, 1927
Maurice Lalau ~ The Romance of Tristram and Iseult ~ 1909 / Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds / London: William Heinemann, c1910 / All night, passing through the beloved woods for the last time, they journeyed in silence.
Artemis Dreaming
Terasaki Kogyo, "Cherry Blossoms & Moon"; Japanese, c.1890-1910 118.8 x 46.2cm. unmounted; ink and light colour on silk. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Feche os olhos e lembre-se de quando você era criança. Lembra? Das tentativas de passar (ou pegar) cola. Da primeiras idas à praia. Das invenções malucas. Dos dias de escola. Dos primeiros desenhos. Das brincadeiras da época. Sveta Dorosheva é uma ilustradora ucraniana que se inspira nessas lembranças para criar suas ilustrações delicadas e super (...)
Portfolio | LA LUNA
She whispered to my nightly, constantly an ever soft lullaby and a a prayer. Haunting echos spiraled recklessly through my cadaver, over and over I sought to live but yet I could not except if basking in her lurid glow.