
Übungen für Sportverletzungen
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Rotator Cuff Impingement and Tear Supraspinatus (abduction) Infraspinatus (external rotation) Teres minor (external rotation) Subscapularis (internal rotation) + Neer and + Hawkins Pain with brushing hair or teeth Pain at night when rolling onto shoulder Baseball pitchers
The Ultimate Three Mobility Drills | Trevor Bachmeyer | SmashweRx
An Activation Exercise that will help mobilize and stabilize the shoulders. Push/Pull- Grasp your hands together and practice pulling them apart for a few reps and then pushing them together for a few reps. Next, Push and Pull the hands against one another as you lift and lower your arms in front and behind your body. Practice a few reps frequently throughout the day and watch your shoulder mobility and stability improve! Like PreHab Exercises on Facebook at
Running or playing a sport, Hip Stability is important to injury-free longevity as well as performance. Here is a little sequence that will help stabilize your hip! Mobility first- Do a few rounds of Lateral Lunge and Reach, paired with Squat and Rotates. Each rep, try to get the hips lower and then reach further with the fingers. Activation second- Use an Assisted Curtsy Lunge and a Single-Leg Squat off a Box to help fire up the muscles that control your hip and ankle movements. Perform slow
The Art of Stretching - PreHab Exercises
Stretching - Examples of Joint Distraction Exercises
Hamstrings Workout: Improve Hamstring Strength And Definition -
Glutes get all the love and hamstrings tend to get tossed aside. They greatly contribute to a muscular and toned leg and can really help emphasise the glutes. They help extend the hip and are the main knee flexors. They are crucial in walking, running and jumping and have to be strong enough to not be overpowered by their friends the quads. The exercises shown are some of your best options for hamstring development. They aren’t categorised by which part of the hamstrings they are working.
The Art of Stretching - PreHab Exercises
Joint Distraction - Ankle Mobility - Prone Calf Stretch with Band Distraction
Freenom World
PreHab Exercises - Examples of Eccentric Stretching Eccentric Stretching is a great way to increase Mobility and develop efficiency in a specific Movement Pattern. Perform each stretch with a 3-5 second count on the Eccentric or Negative phase of the mo