
29 Pins
Hiker Discovers an Abandoned Town Inside Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Hiker Discovers an Abandoned Town Inside Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Miks' Pics "Vintage Architecture" board @
Miks' Pics "Vintage Architecture" board @
Old Staircase in an Abandoned House in France
Old Staircase in an Abandoned House in France - Photorator
Beautiful Abandoned Homes
Beautiful Abandoned Homes - Bing Images
Eerie and beautiful. That there are such places in the world is a wondrous thing, indeed.
Paper Mill - 15
Paper Mill - 15 This is a steam boiler. The top right at the stair end is the steam drum. The pipes coming down are the superheater tubes. Steam leaves the steam drum and then re-enters the furnace to be further heated