
51 Pins
A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Nailing a Handstand
Going upside down can be a little intimidating if you are new to yoga. In this practice, I’m going to walk you through simple yoga inversions to get used to bearing the weight of your body. Along the way, you will discover ways to balance and feel the strengthening benefits of inverting! Get the workout here:
Allie Van Fossen
Learn how to get upside down in Pincha Mayurasana with these 10 prep postures! Pin now, learn how to get upside down now!
7 Yoga Übungen für Zuhause (15 Minuten!) + 10 Bonus Tipps für deine eigene Yoga Oase - ASANAYOGA.DE
Uttanasana Vorwärtsbeuge im Yoga
Circulation Booster Yoga Flow
If you spend a lot of time sitting down and are worried about how that can affect your health, just squeeze in our Circulation Booster Sequence in one of your sitting breaks, and allow your body to heal and repair. This 12 minute yoga essential flow is designed to improve blood circulation, boost your immune system and reduce stress levels!
14 Challenging Yoga Poses to Fire Up Your Flow
These advanced yoga poses put a challenging spin on classic moves, and take your…
​8 Energizing Yoga Moves You Can Do in Bed |
A workout that's a win-win: Philosophiemama demonstrates 8 energizing yoga moves…
Mood Boosting Yoga Flow
Beat stress and get happy with these mood-boosting yoga poses. A 16 minute essential flow to help you shake off any anxiety or frustration, and create a more stable sense of calm.
The Best Restorative Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress
The Best Restorative Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress
Body pain could feel as though everything else takes a back seat. Pain and…
Allie Van Fossen
6 yoga poses to tone the booty_pin image
Crunches und Sit-ups: Diese 7 Fehler machen dein Bauch-Training uneffektiv
Diese Fehler solltet ihr unbedingt vermeiden