ritter burgen

11 Pins
Uncial - with strokes included. [“…the emergence in the early Middle Ages of the uncial and half-uncial book hands and the development of the handwriting that more nearly resembles the types in which these lines are set: that is the Carolingian minuscule. (18th century) (Morison 1962:15)]
Basteln mit Klopapierrollen - Teil 2
Basteln mit Klopapierrollen: Flugzeuge, Raketen, Ritterburgen, Spielfiguren...alles mit einfachen Bastelanleitungen.
ritter einladungskarten basteln
Thinking of an Arthurian Legend / Camelot style classroom theme for 3rd grade...would make (a sturdy) plaque like one of these hand on the classroom door, open to show that we are "in" the classroom, shut to show that we are "out" to specials, lunch...
Caballeros / Knights / Ritter
El hada de papel: Caballeros / Knights / Ritter · escudo cartón · escut cartró també per #carnaval o #SantJordi
Drachenfeuer, Feuerdrache zum Pusten-Gratis-Anleitung z. Ausdrucken
Anleitung Drachenfeuer, Feuerdrache zum Pusten-