
701 Pins
Zitate und Motto-Inspirationen für 2015 - Frohes Neues Jahr! - HYYPERLIC.com
Yeah, Pain Ends sometimes even if it is by your death but it will end so hold on and live for these who would give everything so you would be happy
Suche: 1 Ergebnis gefunden für "Alle Frauen sind gleich, aber die Besten sind im Februar geboren."
Spruch: Alle Frauen sind gleich, aber die Besten sind im Februar geboren. - Sprüche, Zitat, Zitate, Lustig, Weise Februar, Frauen, Geburtstag, Geburtstagsgeschenk, Happy Birthday, Winterkinder
10 Inspirational Quotes Of The Day (375) - LifeHack
Manual Driving Made Easy www.manualdriving... Servicing the South/Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia
If our eyes saw souls! (Anyone know the photographer?)
Thoughts become reality. What are your thoughts creating? Choose to focus on the good ones and let the other thoughts drift by. #LOA #goodthoughts #manifest #creativity #positive #love #light #thoughts #awareness #change
Truth. I've come to realize this with a certain friend! If you wonder why I haven't called you in a while... Don't tear me down to make yourself feel better.
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
. Even though it hurts
Don't underestimate the impact of the little things