architecture model

140 Pins
Cut Travertine Marble and Resin Merge to Create 'Lagoon' Tables — Colossal
Unglaublich was für einen Effekt man erzeugen kann. Ausgeschnittenes Holz mit Resin aufgefüllt
Galeria de Proposta de Sordo Madaleno & Pascall+Watson para o Novo Aeroporto da Cidade do México - 17
Galeria - Proposta de Sordo Madaleno
Sanya Lake Park Super Market Proposal / NL Architects
Sanya Lake Park Super Market Proposal / NL Architects
Gallery of Sunflower House / Cadaval & Solà-Morales - 20
Gallery - Sunflower House / Cadaval & Solà-Morales - 20
Estación Refugio Sustentable Cerro San Ramón – Taller Al Cubo
Gallery of SO-IL Shortlisted to Design Arnhem's ArtA Cultural Center - 10