Dramatic Play Center

Dramatic play is not just for preschoolers. Early Childhood development is still at large in kindergarten. They need intentional time to learn through play. A dramatic play center has great potential to tap into student interest outside of the classroom and help them discover new interest. I plan on changing the theme of the dramatic play center in my future classroom every 8 weeks to maximize this potential.
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a classroom with construction themed decorations and toys
Construction Center
A construction center is full of building materials such as blocks, tiles, paper towel tubes, planning paper and more! This center is a great way to boost creativity in the classroom and build teamwork. I would intriduce this center with a lesson on perseverence. Students are likey to become frustrated if thier creation falls but they can learn to try and try again.
the bakery is filled with toys and children's table cloths for playtime
Bakery Center
This bakery dramatic play center not only is a melting pot of language development opportunites but offers so many ways to get creative! I love the idea of having students create thier own props for the bakery. Using the recourses linked, I put this center together at my student teaching placement and the kids loved it! However, there were some issues with sharing. Next time, would pair introcuing this bakery center with a lesson on working together. Helloooo assebly line!
a room filled with lots of wooden shelves and desks covered in books, toys and pictures
Veterinary Clinic
I would have lost my mind in this animal hospital center as a kindergartener. Complete with all the diagnotic, examination and documentaion tools you need, this center is rich in language. It is meticuously labled for the little emergent readers and is an effective method for building up thier oral language. This hands on experience will help students retain the meaning of words they have likely not heard before! Not to mention the writing and science activies that can be paired.