
19 Pins
Living On The Edge: Australians Design House That Hangs Off Cliff
Living on the edge: Australia’s most exciting five story home clings to a cliff’s edge and shows living on extreme coastal plots of Australia is possible. // Leben am Abgrund: Das Haus an der Klippe ist Australiens aufregendstes fünftstöckige Gebäude. Es zeigt wie Leben in den extremen Küstengebieten möglich wird. #architecture #cliffhouse #enjoysiemens
Chill on the hill! - Yanko Design
The Alps hotel may be conceptual, but it does make a bold attempt at designing a Mountain Cliff Hotel
Você pode montar esta casa em 1 dia e levar para onde quiser
Gallery of Marino House / ATV Arquitectos - 2
Gallery of Marino House / ATV arquitectos - 2
david tajchman conceives topological gran mediterraneo tower for tel aviv
designed by belgian architect david tajchman, the 'gran mediterraneo' is a conceptual highrise building conceived for the israeli city of tel aviv.
Diaporama photos de piscines
Rolling-Deck Piscinelle : passez de piscine à terrasse en un clin d’œil ! - L'olivier et la fontaine - La touche d'Agathe - jardins, garden, Extérieur, exterior, water features, fontaines, terrasse, outdoor, terrace, tree, plants, Flower, grass, arbres, fleurs, plantes, massifs, backyard, porch, firepit, barrières, fences 1 1
Style Estate
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. - Bruce Lee | via