
17 Pins
Pfirsich-Eiweißshake - Low-Carb-Eiweiß-Diät-Rezept zum Abnehmen
Cremiger Pfirsich-Eiweißshake
Watermelon Ice
Jazz up your summer drink with ice cubes - made of watermelon with this Watermelon Ice.
Strawberry Colada Smoothie - Cooking Classy
It's summer so we should all be drinking as many smoothies as we can right? I think it is the best time of year for smoothies because there's such an abundance of good fresh fruit, and better yet, at great prices. I just bought 4 lbs of blueberries for $5 yesterday, epic I know. For these I bought whole fresh
Chai Sirup Rezept: DIY Chai Sirup selber machen - Nicest Things
Chai Sirup selber machen Rezept
Salted Caramel Mocha Smoothie
This Healthy Salted Caramel Mocha Smoothie is a delicious way to start your day! Flavors of coffee, rich chocolate and salty caramel all come together in a secretly healthy beverage! #CocoaViaHealthy #ad #HeartMonth
Beat the heat with these three delicious and refreshing water recipes, sure to keep you cool and hydrated all summer long!
Rezept für einen Heidelbeer-Kokos Smoothie
Heidelbeer-Kokos Smoothie
Kokos-Himbeer-Smoothie Zutaten 250g gefrorene Himbeeren* (oder andere Beeren) 400ml Kokosmilch* 400ml Wasser 1-2 EL Ahornsirup*
Frühstück: Kokoswasser-Kaffee-Smoothie - Julie Feels Good