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They have an orange felt carrot nose, black eyes, black buttons, a lovely little scarf around their neck and a bright touch with small sequins. * You can have the year or name added for a small fee, great if you treat someone to a new decoration each year. (Personalization on the back) **** • felt in white, orange, black, red, blue and green • size 3.75 x 2.75 (9.5 x 7 cms) (not including the ribbon loop) • gold ribbon for hanging • gently stuffed with polyester fiberfill • no glue is used ...
Tulpe aus Papier falten – die Tulpenblüte
открытка из мешковины: 24 тыс изображений найдено в Яндекс.Картинках
"Summer Is Sweet In Preschool!" Bulletin Board Idea
Sunglasses Templates - have staff draw what they did in the lenses and then put them up on or around giant sunshine in lounge.
Herr Tintenfisch - Bastelidee für Unterwasserfans
Krake, Tintenfisch, Wolle, Zöpfe flechten, DIY, Basteln mit Kindern, Kindergeburtstag, produziert für
Traumfänger basteln mit Kindern - 27 Ideen zum Nachmachen
Traumfänger aus Kartonteller selber machen - Anleitung