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Recipe Zone - Space Saving Closet Hangers Source: http://www.instructables.com/id/Closet-Hangers/ | Facebook
Easy DIY storage solution
9 Surprising Ways You're Ruining Your Clothes
You're hanging your sweaters like you would a normal shirt. #organizationhelp #clothinghacks
GrrrlHub | Women's Magazine for (by) Unapologetic Women
Use Cardboard Box as T-shirts storage in closet. (*I* would also SCENT the box a little with lavender essential oil or whatever's nice that keeps the closet and clothes fresh and creepy crawlies away.)
Never know where to hang your necklaces so they don't get all tangled up? Check out this genius !
Safield Hanging Door Organiser with 20 Pockets (Assorted Colours)
20 Pocket Door Hanging Tidy Organiser Storage Rack Safield http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001CTAN1Y/ref=cm_sw_r_pi_dp_tGzQub1J4B372
9 Organizing Hacks for Even the Tiniest of Closets
12 Organizing Hacks for Even the Tiniest of Closets Slideshow ~ Nobody has space to waste. So whether your closet is a big old walk-in or teeny tiny alcove, use these hacks to make the most of your real estate. ** #6. Keep shorts in order If there's no dresser in sight and you want to save your hangers, use shower rings to display shorts by looping them through the belt holes. Get the tutorial here.
Thomas Schnur's wire Grid functions as a storage system
Thomas Schnur's wire Grid functions as a storage system
Roundup: 8 DIY Laundry Room Hacks, Tips, & Ideas
credit: Garden Trading [http://www.gardentrading.co.uk/store/product_details.vc?productId=1900&categoryId=144]
Mit dem richtigen Badmöbel Set Ihre eigene Wohlfühloase schaffen
Schmuckständer selber machen - DIY-Ideen für Schmuckaufbewahrung
Ordnung im Kleiderschrank: 7 geniale Beispiele für mehr Überblick
Fashion Mode Styling Outfit DIY
Ordnung im Kleiderschrank: 8 geniale Tricks für mehr Platz
Kleiderschrank aufräumen: Diese Hacks schaffen Platz im Schrank
IKEA Produkte: alles auf einen Blick
Eine Kleiderstange unter der Decke? Lässt sich problemlos mit RÄCKA Gardinenstange in Schwarz und einem Flaschenzug gestalten. So ist deine Kleidung außerhalb der An- und Auskleidezeiten einfach aus dem Weg.