Nifty Gifties

If you love to DIY or just need some ideas for gifts and wrapping, we have the inspiration for the best celebration ever!
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We love a traditional wrapped package just as much as the next person, but there is something extra special about a gift that is uniquely wrapped. Whether you personalize the gift with photos, or find a unique box to package it in, putting the extra time and effort into the wrapping can make the gift seem even more special to the recipient. This eBay guide has some fun and unique gift wrapping ideas you can use to give a special touch to your presents this holiday season.
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Valentine's Day marks the time of the year when the pressure of "not forgetting" the occasion often swallows gifting creativity. While love can always be professed with a bouquet of roses and many incarnations of chocolates in a box, why not surprise your loved one with something completely unexpected? Want to think outside the box this Valentine’s Day and of course, earn brownie points at the same time? Check out some of the ideas below to get your creative juices flowing.
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Do you miss the simpler days? Well get your nostalgic fix with these awesome retro gaming devices.