
22 Pins
Berge in Niederösterreich
Die Region um den Lunzer See, und dem südlich davon liegenden Dürrenstein, gehört zu den wildesten und unberührtesten Landschaften Niederösterreichs.
Schönbrunn, Wien, Vienna, Austria, Österreich
Gloriette Schönbrunn, Wien, Vienna, Austria, Österreich by Reham Alhelsi, via Flickr
Cosmin Stoleac --> wien.info // Prater We love Wien! http://www.ostheimer.at
I recognize this place: St Wolfgang, Austria on Lake Wolfgangsee. One can ride a hop-on, hop-off water taxi all the way around this beautiful Alpine lake, stopping off at any of the lovely towns to enjoy the weather, sample a glass of wine or a local pint, while listening to the music of Mozart played by young musicians. The hills are alive!
The Wachau region in Austria produces some of the best white wines. Often in-expensive and very very good. Look out for it next time when you shop white wine. (pictured is the city of Krems).
#stausee #ottenstein #segelboot