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الدكتور حامد عبد الفتاح جوهر استاذ علم الحيوانات و مقدم البرنامج ذو الشهرة الواسعة عالم البحار الذي كان يذاع لمدة 18 عام على التليفزيون المصري يوم الجمعة #arab #arabic #arabs
This makes me wish for a humid, summer rain. The kind that makes you forget your troubles and calls your name to come dance.
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.. 5 Marilyn Monroe Quotes You’ll Love
صور مضحكة , صور اطفال , صور و حكم , موقع صور , arabic quotes
Black women making their mark in space and science (SLIDESHOW)
Shirley Ann Jackson, PhD is the second African American woman to earn her PhD in Physics and and the first woman to earn it at MIT.
winter's summer home
It takes150 flowers (depending on quality) to produce 1g or 0.035 oz.of safron. 50,000 to 200,000 flowers for1lb. and costs 500.00 to 1,000.00$ per lb to buy
Les Merveilleuses - audreylostinparis: Bridget Hall & Kylie Bax by...
audreylostinparis: Bridget Hall & Kylie Bax by Pamela Hanson for Vogue US Jan 1996
Rosalind Franklin in her lab, 1950. Discovered the double helix of DNA along with Watson and Crick.