Mystische Orte

Berggasthaus Aescher-Wildkirchlil, Appenzellerland, Switzerland: Astrogeographic position: in the emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the womb and most important indicator for caves and in the spiritual water sign Pisces indicator for places outside the spheres of everyday life. Valid for field level 4 whhich describes the atmosphere of the mountain guest house itself.
Alpamayo Expedition — June, 2003
Alpamayo, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, 5947 m. Astrogeographic position: in the first decade of the highly imaginative, mystic water sign Pisces and the endurable earth sign Taurus for field level 2 which describes hoow the whole of the mountain is embedded in the region.
Wonder Mountain, Toronto, Canada. Canada`s Wonderland themepark, opened 1981. Astrogeographic position: located in the practical air sign Gemini the sign of communication and trying out new technologies and the highly profitable earth sign Taurus the sign of market places, food and local centers. Gemini as the sign of bridges, pathways and mobility is to be seen as the indicator for the 16 roller coasters and as the sign of pubercy for the fun industry. Valid for field level 3. - polopixel Resources and Information.
Aerial View of Dunluce Castle, Antrim Ireland © Reservoir Tog. Astrogeographic position: in the highly defensive endurable water sign Scorpio the main indicator for fortresses and the highly alert fire sign Aries the main indicator for warfare. Valid for field level 4.
Guyaju, China
The caves homes of Guyaju are about 90km northwest of Beijing, China. Astrogeographic position: in the air sign Libra the sign of beauty and harmony together with the fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design and decoration. Valid for field level 3.
Menhir du Champ Dolent
The "Menhir du Champ Dolent", neolithic megalith in Eastern Brittany, France.One of the largest menhirs in Brittany. Height 9,30, circumference 8,7 m. Astrogeo pos.: in the creative, innovative, soiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky and indicator for connecting the earth with the sky. 2nd coordinate is in the fire Sagittarius the sign of shamanism and priest castes, initiation and time measurement. Valid for field level 4 which describes the exact position of the menhir.
Zion National Park, Utah.USA
Zion National Park, Utah.
Dore Holm Natural Arch, Shetland Islands, Scotland. Astrogeographic position: the south part is located right on the cardinal divide between the earth sign Virgo and the air sign Libra. Libra is the indicator for holes in rocks and for the bridge that connects the two rocks. 2nd coordinate is in the water sign Cancer the sign of crabs and shells. Valid for field level 3.
Druid Arch, Canyonlands National Park, Utah. From US 191 take Utah 211 west to the Needles. The paved road continues into the park. Entrance fees and camping fees are charged. Water is available spring through fall.