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5 ways to relax your nervous system 👇🏻 Are you feeling stressed? Is your mind running nonstop? Do
5 ways to relax your nervous system 👇🏻 Are you feeling stressed? Is your mind running nonstop? Do you feel like you desperately need to calm down but can’t find the inner peace to relax? These tips will help you: ✅ Incorporate a meditation practice into your daily schedule. ✅ Brain dump all your thoughts and worries into a journal. ✅ Get out of your mind by moving your body. Whether it’s yoga, exercise, or a walk in nature. Movement is one of the best ways to rid yourself of stress. ✅ Sp
Quick update👇🏻 Hey, my love! I will be back online soon, but I still wanted to give you a quick u
Quick update👇🏻 Hey, my love! I will be back online soon, but I still wanted to give you a quick update right now since you are dear to my heart. Tyler is already way better, but still in the hospital. Probably tomorrow we will have to make a few important decisions regarding our stay in Bali and our dream might be put on hold for 1-2 months. 😢 I am very sad, and I don‘t understand yet the teachings of the universe through all of this, but my faith is so strong that I know this is happen
Are you struggling with negative self-talk? In my experience, cultivating a positive, affectionate
Are you struggling with negative self-talk? In my experience, cultivating a positive, affectionate relationship with yourself is a key ingredient to feeling happy and fulfilled! 🥰 Here are 5 powerful affirmations to strengthen your self-love: ✨ I accept all of myself unconditionally. ✨ I deserve all the abundance I desire. ✨ I allow myself to be who I truly am. ✨I treat myself like I would treat a friend. ✨With each moment that passes, I love myself more and more. 📲 Follow to improve yo
If you are struggling right now, read this 👇🏻 Life has seasons. Just like there is spring, summer
If you are struggling right now, read this 👇🏻 Life has seasons. Just like there is spring, summer, autumn, and winter, we are also experiencing highs and lows in life. 📲 Follow to create a life full of joy! So if you are currently going through a hard time, know that this too shall pass. You will eventually experience spring and summer again. I promise you that even though it might not feel like it right now, life will be joyful, fun, and adventurous again. ✨
Unpopular opinion: sometimes people prefer to stay in their misery instead of changing something. ?
Unpopular opinion: sometimes people prefer to stay in their misery instead of changing something. 🙈 Why is that? Because it‘s familiar. Our brains are wired to keep us safe aka. in our comfort zone which was amazing back in the days when we had to run from sabertooth tigers. But today it‘s just keeping us from changing situations that make us unhappy and from following our dreams. ✨ 📲 Follow to create the life that you dream of! So be bold. Dare to step out of your comfort zone. Dare
A year ago, I was sitting depressed at home, bawling my eyes out, because I felt so empty inside -
A year ago, I was sitting depressed at home, bawling my eyes out, because I felt so empty inside - even though I had everything you would wanna have: I was the founder and CEO of a successful yoga company, I had a loving husband, amazing friends, a caring family, and a beautiful home in Vienna. But is this the life that I truly desired? Not really…. So it was time for a change. Fast forward a year, my husband and I sold all our furniture and belongings, I switched careers to work as a co
If you struggle with low self-esteem, these tips will help you👇🏻 I used to struggle with low self
If you struggle with low self-esteem, these tips will help you👇🏻 I used to struggle with low self-esteem. On the outside, I always seemed like this outgoing, loud, and confident girl, but that was almost like a mask behind which I hid my insecurities and the deep-rooted belief that I am not good enough. If I look back on my journey, changing this belief made the biggest impact on my life. I started to understand, and more importantly feel at the cell level, that my self-worth is not tied t
Did you watch the latest Empowering Vibez episode with Tanja Notschaele? 🎧 Tanja is such an inspir
Did you watch the latest Empowering Vibez episode with Tanja Notschaele? 🎧 Tanja is such an inspiring, shining personality with so much wisdom, so make sure you check out this beautiful conversation!🥰 Tune in on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or the platform of your choice! 📲 Follow to become the highest version of yourself!
The truth about manifesting 👇🏻 Lots of people think manifesting is this whoo-whoo spiritual stuff
The truth about manifesting 👇🏻 Lots of people think manifesting is this whoo-whoo spiritual stuff. ✨ The truth is: we always manifest - no matter if we believe in spirituality or not! Whatever we think and feel about life, ourselves, men & women, success, health, and money will reflect in our outer world. 🌏 📲 Follow to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams! Therefore, fill your heart with gratitude, fill your inner eye with pictures of all your desires and fill your body with al
Do you feel stuck right now? Listen, we all have these phases where we are doing and trying and wor
Do you feel stuck right now? Listen, we all have these phases where we are doing and trying and working hard, but it seems like we are not making any progress at all. If this applies to you right now: KEEP GOING! 💪🏻 You might be one step away from your next breakthrough, from changing someone else‘s life, or from finally reaching the goal that you are putting all your heart and soul into. 📲 Follow if you needed to hear this! Take a second to look back on all the challenges you alre
Do you want to know a secret? 🤫 I was really scared to give up my home, sell everything I own, and
Do you want to know a secret? 🤫 I was really scared to give up my home, sell everything I own, and move to Bali. 📲 Follow if you want to change your life forever! What if I made the wrong decision? But then I realized: how can I know if it was the right decision if I never tried?! We only have ONE life. And we must make the absolute BEST out of it! 🫶🏻
If you struggle with low self-esteem, these tips will help you👇🏻 I used to struggle with low self
If you struggle with low self-esteem, these tips will help you👇🏻 I used to struggle with low self-esteem. On the outside, I always seemed like this outgoing, loud, and confident girl, but that was almost like a mask behind which I hid my insecurities and the deep-rooted belief that I am not good enough. If I look back on my journey, changing this belief made the biggest impact on my life. I started to understand, and more importantly feel at the cell level, that my self-worth is not tied t
Can I share a secret? 🤫 A few years ago, I was not spiritual AT ALL. I used to think meditation, y
Can I share a secret? 🤫 A few years ago, I was not spiritual AT ALL. I used to think meditation, yoga, spirituality, crystal, and all this talk about energy was totally woo woo and had nothing to do with our modern every day life. I thought spiritual people are these people with long hair who only wear white clothes and sit on their meditation pillow all day - stereotyping hello! 🙈 And then I met the right spiritual teachers and read the right spiritual books which opened up my awarenes
7 Steps to create a vision for your life. ✨ A vision is a mental picture that can be used to guide
7 Steps to create a vision for your life. ✨ A vision is a mental picture that can be used to guide your actions. You can have a vision for each area of your life: your romantic relationship, your health, your career, your financial situation, and even your relationship with yourself. 📲 Follow to create a life beyond your wildest dreams! The following steps will help you to create a vision and to work towards it: 1. Ask yourself what do you want your life to look like and who do I