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Keisha L. Casiano on Instagram: "3rd grade rolling into 4th grade in style! 🎉 Our retro roller blading project was a smashing success, thanks to the incredible @howgraythouart! 🛼🤩 #Arteducation #artteacher #elementaryartteacher #education #teachersofinstagram #weareteachers"
Setzkasten Eulensammlung
Setzkasten Eulensammlung
Setzkasten Eulensammlung
Miss Blomgren on Instagram: "Laurel Burch inspired cats by 2nd grade!😻Grabbed this black and white stamped pattern background idea from @king.oftheartroom. The constrast looks fantastic between the colorful cats and background paper! . . #secondgradeart #secondgrade #artteacher #artteachersofinstagram #elementaryartteacher #elementaryart #primaryart #elementaryartlesson #artlesson #artclass #studentartwork #arteducator #arteducation #iteachart #iteachsecond #laurelburchinspired"