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This may contain: two hands are reaching for a wreath hanging on the wall next to a white frame
Ghirlanda pasquale con rami d'ulivo
Prepara i rami di ulivo: taglia i rami più fini e scarta le parti più grosse che difficilmente si piegano. Crea la base: avvolgi il fil di ferro intorno alla pentola per ottenere una circonferenza regolare (almeno 3 giri). Assembla la ghirlanda: inizia ad aggiungere i rametti di ulivo, girandoli intorno al fil di ferro e fissandoli fino a raggiungere la dimensione desiderata. Decora a piacere: usa coniglietto di stoffa, uova, nastri, fiori finti, farfalle o qualsiasi altra decorazione ti piaccia.
Głowa zająca - Planneo Pracownia Drewna
Wyjątkowa głowa zajączka wykonany z wysokiej jakości sklejki z drzew liściastych o grubości 6 mm idealnie ozdobi każde rodzinne spotkanie! Bo to szczegóły tworzą ten wyjątkowy nastrój podczas Świąt Wielkanocnych!
breakfast board - rabbit
Breakfast board in rabbit shape with cute heart nose The large rabbit breakfast board is a perfect accessory for the whole family, which will not only put the little ones in a good mood. It is designed with a cute rabbit shape that guarantees a happy and contented start to the day. The board has a cute nose that has been laser engraved in the shape of a heart and can be seen on the front. There is a small Eulenschnitt logo on the back of the board. With this board, breakfast becomes a special experience and puts a smile on everyone's face - perfect for a good start to the day! Properties & Care Instructions Wood is a natural and organic material that requires special care. To ensure that you have a lot of fun with the large breakfast board rabbit, please note the following care i
Mini Brett - Hase
Hasen Minibrett mit süßer Hasennase in Herzchen-Form Unser Frühstücksbrettchen Hase hat Nachwuchs bekommen - das Hasen Minibrett! Die süße Hasenform zaubert nicht nur den Kleinen ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht und sorgt für Konfetti-Laune am Morgen für die ganze Familie. Auf der Vorderseite des Bretts wurde die niedliche Hasennase in Herzchen-Form per Laser eingraviert, was das Brettchen zu einem echten Blickfang macht. Auf der Rückseite findest Du das Eulenschnitt-Logo, das dem Brettchen eine besonde
Deko-Brett Häschen -
This may contain: two hands are holding a wreath with the word diy on it and an image of a bird
Velikonoční věnec: Inspirace na výrobu velikonoční dekorace | Video návod
Velikonoční dekorace. Inspirace na velikonoční věnec z březového proutí ve tvaru vajíčka - velikonoční tvoření. Na ozdobu jsme využili ptáčka z březové kůry z loňských dekorací. Umístili jsme jej do malého hnízdečka zdobeného mechem a drobnými kvítky. Velikonoční výzdoba. 🚫Do not repost our videos. Thank you❗️ 🇬🇧ENG🇬🇧 Easter wreath in the shape of an egg made of birch twigs.
This may contain: someone is making something out of lace on the table
Brother SE700 Sewing and Embroidery Machine, Wireless LAN Connected, 135 Built-in Designs, 103 Built-in Stitches, Computerized, 4" x 4" Hoop Area, 3.7" Touchscreen Display, 8 Included Feet, White
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