10 Infografik

17 Pins
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the future of mobile video info graphic http://hdstartup.com
Why You Should Never Leave Home…Ever
Very cool how they made this infographic 3D. I would like to try a 3D one in the future, but it's hard to visualize/ use the 3D tool to make it look as nice as this; they did a great job.
Creative Process Chart – Infographic - Drishti Khemani
Wanderlust: Process Chart Semester 1 by Drishti Khemani, via Behance
The Meaning Of Color - A Quick Guide to Coloring Your Logos, Buttons & Life! | NextDayFlyers
What do colors mean? We've put together a quick guide to coloring your logos, buttons & life!
Artisan Gelato – Infographics
Artisan Gelato Infographics by med ness, via Behance
History: Daft Punk (infographic) - Marcin Kowalik
Unique Infographic Design, History Of Daft Punk #Infographic #Design (http://www.pinterest.com/aldenchong/)
What Makes an Infographic Design Bad and How To Improve It
Infographics Dos and Donts: Basic Practices To Get Started With Infographics | #infographic #design #stlbiz
startupstacks.com domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
Speech Infographic The color scheme used is of a Modern and Clean type but can be changed to anything to match your design preference. http://startupstacks.com/infographics/speech-infographic.html. - free download
INFOGRAPHIC: Balance of superpowers -- Comparing the armed forces of US and China
INFOGRAPHIC: Balance of superpowers -- Comparing the armed forces of US and China
Graphic Design
actual site is amazing: http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/colours-in-cultures/#
To Lithuania Infographic
To Lithuania Infographic on Behance