
17 Pins
Alliteration Inspiration: Veggies & Vacation
So this is technically paper design, but it's just so cool! Fruits and veggies in paper depth.
Tre, série de tuiles en béton modulaires par Next Ship et KAZA - Journal du Design
Tre, série de tuiles en béton modulaires par Next Ship et KAZA - Journal du Design
karen margolis - 4 layers of abaca paper. holes made with soldering iron. @shaunaleelange we're fabulous visual curators. by petra
Paper Sculpture by Sonia Poli. - All About Papercutting
* Sonia Poli is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Lille, France. Today I am excited to share this piece that she created recently. I love the combination of different materials here, being paper the protagonist. Materials used: wooden embroidery frame, 350grs watercolour paper, gouache, gold, and white indian ink, glue. I invite you to see more of …
cdxblog: I can’t sleep so I am looking at the beautiful, insane paper sculptures from Matt Shlian. Seriously gorgeous stuff. I can barely cut a straight line. (OK I cannot even cut a straight line.) This stuff is so impressive.
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Wolkenmoblile traumhafte Dekoration fürs Babyzimmer *** white cloud mobile for baby room - great decoration
F I E L D & S E A / Collection of Loveliness
I chose this pin because it's a good representation of crisp, clean and white like Preppy Chic Rice Milk + Mallow #method @methodtweet
paper art: 22 тыс изображений найдено в Яндекс.Картинках
Lindas imagens feitas de recorte e sombra em 3 Dimensões
Hoje vou mostrar um trabalho muito interessante e inspirador. Lisa Rodden é uma australiana de Sydney que detalhadamente corta, pinta, d...
Mixed media art | Prints & art
botanical hand crafted wall art by illustries |