Doctor Who

14 Pins
Doctor Who saison 9 : Episode 10, "Goodbye Doctor", notre critique
BBC, Doctor Who, Saison 9, Episode 10, Trailer, Teaser, Face The Raven, Maisie Williams, GoT, Arya, Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat, Cybermen, Départ, Série, SF, Recap, Critique, Mort de Clara, Me, Rose, Donna, Martha, Amy, Rory
Designing the Stained Glass Dalek
As part of my Doctor Who main range directorial duties for Big Finish, early in 2016 I was given a scrip by Mike Tucker entitled Order of the Daleks. From the moment I read it, I just knew that we …
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Attention all Whovians... come on in and snatch your Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar. You are going to so enjoy this whimsical calendar!
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar - The Cottage Market
Attention all Whovians... come on in and snatch your Free Printable 2019 Doctor Who Calendar. You are going to so enjoy this whimsical calendar!
well he is 900 years old. must have some sort of dementia.
Tardis - Doctor Who quote. I like how he starts out all smart and then it devoles into nonsense.
Peter Capaldi Fan Art
Peter Capaldi Fan Art | Photo Galleries | Doctor Who | BBC America
OH MY GOD. That part was the best! He finally got to say that! ahahah
I wonder if Peter Capaldi has had this thought and the scene was inspired by his frustration as well :)
This is exactly me, I just wanted to see what the whole doctor who thing was about, oops