
737 Pins
Stacked Cabin: Re-Imagining the Classic Cabin Vertically with Modern Refinement
Re-Imagining the Classic Cabin Vertically with Modern Refinement
Corporate Responsibility
Tongji University, Y Container We love a good shipping container home, which is why Y Container, Team China's eye-catching entry, is an early favorite (shhh). Built from six recycled shipping containers, the Y-Shaped, solar-powered abode consists of three modular zones (living room, bedroom and kitchen/bathroom) that meet in a central multifunction area. Low-cost (around $250,000), high-performance and easy to transport, the expandable dwelling was designed with a young couple in Shanghai ...
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45 Shipping Container Homes That Are Beautiful and Feel Like Home
30 inspirierende Container Häuser – Containerverschiffung Designs
30 inspirierende Container Häuser - Containerverschiffung Designs
Breaking the rules: The architects and projects irrevocably changing the game
Breaking the rules: The architects and projects irrevocably changing the game