Science Stuff

145 Pins
Picture of Yew Tree, Eibe, Macro Picture of Cell Structure of a plant, Section Cut Microscopic Nature, closeup plant life , microscope, Mikroskopisch
Picture of Bougainvillea Leaf Stalk, Macro Picture of Cell Structure of a plant, Section Cut Microscopic Nature, closeup plant life , microscope, Mikroskopisch
Clematis, Stengelquerschnitt, Schnittstärke zwischen 30µm - 50µm, Wackerfärbung W-3A, by Peter Höbel
art deco diatoms
Licmophora flabellata. It is a spectacular fan-shaped colony of diatoms.
May 2006
Physarum polycephalum / Slime Mold Fractal Branching-->Networking
CIL:38950, Agromyces sp. R, fungal asexual spore, hyphal cell, conidiophore. CIL. Dataset
Phase contrast micrograph of spore formation and release in Aspergillus, an ascomycete, using a semi-thin stained section stained blue.
Zygospores - Encyclopedia of Life
Zygospores of a stonefly-inhabiting gut fungus by William Bourland via micro*scope (cc-by-nc):
Beautiful Bacteria The images above are some examples of rotex fractal growth found in colonies of Bacillus subtilis. The varying branching patterns are caused by changes in the environmental conditions of the bacteria as they grow. via: fuckyeahmolecularbiology