
16 Pins
RECICLAGEM DE CAMISA 9 | Moldes Dicas Moda
A reciclagem de roupa usada nunca fez tanto sentido. A escassez de recursos pode muito bem ser apenas uma razão, porque nos dias que correm podemos invocar
Recycle Old Tin Canisters Creatively
DIY Can Lamp. I think the bottom is covered with a yogurt lid? And filled with a small strand of some cheap Christmas lights? :) Two of these on either side of my headboard would rock!
Arm Knitting Tutorial - Make Your Own Infinity Scarf In Half An Hour! – Cute DIY Projects
Am Knitting Tutorial - Make Your Own Infinity Scarf In Half An Hour! Click on the picture to see the full tutorial and video! :)
Make A Pillow Mattress Using IKEA Stuff
super idée pour un tapis de jeu dans une chambre d'enfant
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Vintage Doily Wedding Bunting Garland (Grande Fern and Primrose) Handmade Crochet in Green, Lemon, Beige, White and Cream! http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/DaisiesBlueShop
Make cute and easy up-cycled DIY mood lighting from old cans! Great craft inspiration for summer parties and BBQs! After poking holes in the cans, paint them to match patio furniture! Totes chic.
É Compra, É Venda | Roupas, Sapatos, Móveis Novos & Usados
Oh my gosh I love these, how cute would they be around a fire pit, could even use indoor outdoor fabric
Upcycle Us
Im making this (but brown) for my back door so the doggies can wipe their muddy feet before coming in. It's great since it can go in the washer!
Mis-matched sock snake! I'm not throwing out any more socks!