
17 Pins
Il y a tant de possibilités pour créer un joli calendrier - et le moment de s'y mettre approche à grands pas! Chrétien ou pas, le temps de ...
Des idées d'emballages DIY pour des cadeaux originaux! - Nightlife
Des idées d'emballages DIY pour des cadeaux originaux! | NIGHTLIFE.CA
white candles, some plain string and walnuts...add sunflower seeds and it's a great reminder to sort our priorities...choose walnuts
We are very proud to introduce our very own glass hurricanes, which have been cleverly designed by the style aficionados here at Nordic House to be the perfect finishing touch for any interior.
We are very proud to introduce our very own glass hurricanes, which have been cleverly designed by the style aficionados here at Nordic House to be the perfect finishing touch for any interior.
Craftaholics Anonymous® | Silhouette Advent Calendar Discount
DIY Brown Paper Packages Christmas advent calendar craft idea. This is adorable! You can reuse the frame for other advents too.
DIY: Freebie Advent Calendar
DIY: Freebie Christmas Advent Calendar on
Adventkalender #diy #weihnachten
Adventskalender schwarz-weiss, Kraftpapier & Holz
Adventskalender schwarz-weiss I Holzzahlen I Kraftpapier