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Kha'emweset Son of Ramses II Egypt probably from Saqqara 1… | Flickr ...
The colossal statue of Pharaoh comes crashing down into a throng of worshippers, bringing the festival day of the good god Ptah to a sudden, bloody end. When the great temple of Memphis becomes the scene of a chilling series of murders, Prince Khaemwaset, fourth son of Ramesses II and High Priest of Ptah, is faced with questions that grow more alarming with every answer he finds.
's most interesting Flickr photos
Pectoral en forma de halcón, del príncipe real Khaemwaset, hijo de Ramses II.
No result with - 당신의 크리에이티브 파트너, 포트폴리오
Egypt - Cairo - Ancient Memphis (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1979). Saqqara. Necropolis. Private funerary mastaba of Mereruka, 6th Dynasty, 2349 BC. Relief of scribes
afrika_aegypten_serapeum_saqqara [Prä-Astronautik ARCHIV]
Das Serapeum von Sakkara []
Reise - Saqquara - Das Serapeum - deutsch
Einer der riesigen Stiersarkophage im Serapeum von Sakkara
Ancient Egypt: History & Mythology Poster
FREE SHIPPING IN USA & CANADA This sturdy 24x36" wallchart is 8 charts in one. Included is a family tree of the ancient Egyptian gods, a timeline of Egyptian history, a map of Upper and Lower Egypt, a
The Serapeum, Egypt examined by members of the Laboratory of Alternative History. The diorite granite of these ancient boxes is perfectly planed and appears machine-cut. Ancient technology and unknown methods at work. Usage unknown.
The Serapeum, Egypt examined by members of the Laboratory of Alternative History. The diorite granite of these ancient boxes is perfectly planed and appears machine-cut. Ancient technology and unknown methods at work. Usage unknown.
Egypt Museum
Hypostyle Hall of Ramesseum, Mortuary Temple of Ramesses II, Luxor.
Apis Bull Statuette | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apis bull, Late Period, Dynasty 26–30, ca. 664–332 b.c. Egyptian Ivory One of the most important animal deities of ancient Egypt was the sacred Apis bull, whose worship is attested from Dynasty I. Near the Ptah temple at Memphis, Egypts old capital, a living representative of the Apis bull was stabled