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8th US Cavalry C 1870 by Chris Collingwood
8th Us Cavalry C 1870 Painting by Chris Collingwood
Royalty-Free Stock Photos, Creative Images & Vectors | News, Fashion, and Entertainment imagery - Getty Images
United States Civil War, Mounted Rifle Rangers- 3rd Massachusetts Cavalry 1862
ACW art by unknown artist | Artwork
Call them irregulars, guerrillas, or bushwackers, they were prevalent in the hinderlands of the Border States (Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Western Virginia). Few participants wore uniforms or were formally mustered into the actual armies. In many cases, it was civilian against civilian, or civilian against opposing enemy troops.
LA CABALLERIA U.S.A. EN EL OESTE 1872-1875. .-publicado en STAFFEL por J.MªBUENO en los años 80.
Sargento mayor en uniforme de campaña 1875-78
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