Doctor Who - Companions

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Well, not seeing anyone except the Doctor. I love River Song. Have I ever mentioned how much I love River? I might've....once or twice...
That Time On Doctor Who
#ThatTimeOnDrWho - Week 103 closes a Clara circuit ended in “The Name of The Doctor” and begun in “Hell Bent”. Timey-Wimey! You can choose to believe in this chain of events, as well. That’s what...
Brigadier Alistairr Gordon Lethbridge-Stuart and his many Doctors.
Find somebody who looks at you the same way The Master looks at himself.
Companions phones upgrading through the years. Doctor Who Series 10 Smile Bill Potts Pearl Mackie Peter Capaldi Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman Amy Pond Karen Gillan Rory Williams Arthur Darvill Matt Smith
'Looking for a Way Home' Poster by Lugu Poerawidjaja | Displate
4x02 The Fires of Pompeii // 10x10 The Eaters of Light