
35 Pins
Rainbow Striped Roll Cake
#MzManerz |Be Inspirational ❥|Mz. Manerz: Being well dressed is a beautiful form of confidence, happiness & politeness 🌈Split white cake batter into 5 colors, place 5 into piping bags. Used 1 drop dif gel color in 5 bowls 🌈Pipe colors on cookie sheet prepped w/ shortening, flour 🌈Bake 325 -17 min. Cool 2-3 min 🌈Wrap up carefully in floured cloth napkin under/ over cake. Let cool. Unwrap carefully, then add an even layer of buttercream. Wrap it up. Freeze it. Then slice w/ a hot sharp knife.
Waffelbecherkuchen - Kindergeburtstag Kuchen Idee I Kindergeburtstag Muffins & Waffelbecher Muffins
Kleine Kuchen im Waffelbecher als süßes Fingerfood zum Kindergeburtstag. Kleine Kuchen im Waffelbecher gebacken sind süßes Fingerfood mit zartem Schokoguss und vielen bunten Süßigkeiten. Dr. Oetker Rezepte, Waffelbecherkuchen, Kuchen im Waffelbecher, Kuchen im Waffelbecher Rezept, Kuchen im Waffelbecher Kinder, Kindergeburtstag Kuchen Ideen, Kindergeburtstag Kuchen, Kindergeburtstag Muffins, Waffelbecher Muffins, Waffelbecher Rezepte, Waffelbecher Ideen, Waffelbecher Kindergeburtstag
This may contain: a white plate topped with french toast covered in powdered sugar and banana slices on top of it
Kaiserschmarren mit 55g Protein!
Kaiserschmarren mit 55g Protein! 💪 Nährwerte: Kalorien: 686 Proteine: 53g Kohlenhydrate: 81g Fette: 16g 💪 Zutaten: 100g Mehl 200g Magerquark 2 Eier 50ml Milch 🚀💪 #proteinkaiserschmarren #kaiserschmarren #proteinrezept #muskelaufbaurezepte #magerquark #fitnessrezept ⬇️ WERTE in den Kommentaren 🚀💪 #proteinkaiserschmarren #kaiserschmarren #proteinrezept #muskelaufbaurezepte #magerquark #fitnessrezept
This may contain: a person is cutting up a tortilla on a cutting board
Hot Dog Wrap Recipe
Welcome to our Pinworthy Dishes Pinterest page, where we bring the art of cooking to life, one Pin at a time! Discover a culinary journey filled with mouthwatering masterpieces, delectable delights, and kitchen inspiration. From sizzling recipes to plating perfection, our pins showcase the very best in gastronomy, turning every meal into an edible work of art. Join us on this epicurean adventure and unlock the secrets to creating your own Pinworthy Dishes that will satisfy your taste.
Guaranteed success! The easiest and most delicious appetizer, in just 15 minutes! Ingredients: puff pastry: 400 g (14 oz) tomato paste: 30 g (1.1 oz) oregano: 5 g (0.2 oz) cheese: 200 g (7.1 oz) parsley: 15 g (0.5 oz) puff pastry: 400 g (14 oz) eggs: 1 pc smoked bacon: 200 g (7.1 oz) Sauce: cheese cream: 250 g (8.8 oz) garlic: 25 g (0.9 oz) parsley: 7 g (0.2 oz) lime: 1 pc oil: 20 ml (0.7 fl oz)
Guaranteed success! The easiest and most delicious appetizer, in just 15 minutes! Ingredients: puff pastry: 400 g (14 oz) tomato paste: 30 g (1.1 oz) oregano: 5 g (0.2 oz) cheese: 200 g (7.1 oz) parsley: 15 g (0.5 oz) puff pastry: 400 g (14 oz) eggs: 1 pc smoked bacon: 200 g (7.1 oz) Sauce: cheese cream: 250 g (8.8 oz) garlic: 25 g (0.9 oz) parsley: 7 g (0.2 oz) lime: 1 pc oil: 20 ml (0.7 fl oz)
How to Throw the Ultimate LEGO Birthday Party
How to Throw the Ultimate LEGO Birthday Party to please any birthday boy or girl. All kids love building with Lego, and so a Lego themed birthday party is a natural choice. Check out these 25 ideas that will help you throw an amazing Lego themed party for boys or girls!
Legos, lego movie, lego friends Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 14 of 31
Legos, lego movie, lego friends Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 14 of 31 | Catch My Party
Legos, lego movie, lego friends Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 9 of 31
Lego Party |