Viennese specialities

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Sacherwürsterl gefällig?
Tatte in Boston
Demel in Vienna: Inside Demel, you can watch pastry chefs baking and decorating cakes as you enjoy a slice of your own. There’s also a cake museum hidden in the back.
Die Österreicher wissen, was glücklich macht: Mein Rezept für fluffigen Kaiserschmarrn mit einem fruchtigen Blitz-Kompott. (Lykkelig)
Kaiserschmarrn mit Zwetschenröster
Wiener Küche – Tafelspitz
Tafelspitz gekochtes Rindfleisch mit Beilagen - ein Gedicht!!
Food- und Travelblog für Genießer: {Herbstfreude} Mamas Zwetschgenknödel
Seelenschmeichelei: {Herbstfreude} Mamas Zwetschgenknödel
in the kitchen with: susanne schanz kropp’s dumplings
German/Austrian bread dumplings (semmelknoedel) with mushroom sauce
The Fascinating Story Behind One of Vienna's Most Beloved Desserts
The Original Sacher-Torte is probably the world’s most famous chocolate cake. It was invented by a teenage Franz Sacher in 1832 at the request of Prince Wenzel von Metternich, where he was employed as a young chef. The Prince charged him to make a special dessert for important guests and the result was the famous cake. The cake remains among the most famous of Vienna's culinary specialties - the "king of cakes".