
157 Pins
How to Increase the Day-to-Day Productivity of your Team with these Simple Tips
It’s been said multiple times that productivity is critical when you want to complete tasks effectively. However, keeping a team productive is never easy, even if it's five people. It’s been said multiple times that productivity is critical when you want to complete tasks effectively. However, keeping a team productive is never easy, even if it's five people.
200余点を集めた、写真家・土門拳の「昭和のこどもたち」展を見る。|Pen Online
A bamboo avenue at Kyoto from "In lotus-land Japan", 1910 by H.G.Ponting
兄弟 昔は上の子が年下の兄弟の面倒を見るのは普通でしたね。だから早くしっかりしたのかも…
Exhibition: ‘Ken Domon: Master of Japanese Realism’ at the Museo dell’Ara Pacis, Rome
Ken Domon. 'Pioggerella [Drizzle]' 1952 - 1954
明治時代の日本の仕事風景(写真60枚) | NETASITE(跡地)
茶葉蒸し(steaming tea leaves) 1890s by 江波信國
★太平洋戦争 Pacific War | mahorobaのミリタリー&模型の部屋 - 楽天ブログ