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The Revision Guide en Instagram: “How to draw banners... #TheRevisionGuide_HowTo add these to your notes and your notes would instantly become more interesting :)
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20 Tips On How To Make Your Bullet Journal Look Really Pretty -
When it comes to organizing and planning, bullet journals are the way to go. Not only do they help keep your life together, but they also serve as an outlet of creativity. Bullet journals aren’t just for to-do lists, reminders, schedules, and habit tracking – they’re also for doodling. The artwork involved in bullet journaling … Read More
Banner zeichnen Schritt für Schritt - Bunte Galerie
wie zeichne ich einen Banner - how to draw a banner useful for hand lettering, zentangle inspired art, greeting cards / birthday cards, doodles, ...
Ennui For Me
studypetals: 3.26.16+5:41pm // 24/100 days of productivity // i was able to finish 85% of my paper today when i only expected to get half of it done, so i took a break to write some lettering ideas! this time, i wanted to explore with mildliners.