Cleaning Hacks

Get lazy girl cleaning tips and tricks for every part of your home whether you want to deep clean for spring or tidy up fast. From the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, carpet or floor, shower, windows and even the oven, follow these easy ideas! #clean #cleaning #cleaningtips #freeprintable
951 Pins
The Helpful Daily Kitchen Cleaning Checklist You Need | Leisurely Does It
A daily kitchen cleaning checklist is great when you want to keep your kitchen clean. Simple tasks like wiping off counters, the stove and other appliances, loading the dishwasher so dishes aren't piled up in the sink and sweeping the floor, gets rid of c
7 Sneaky Ways To Fake A Clean House | Leisurely Does It
Learn my secrets for how to fake a clean house in just a few minutes when guests are dropping by. Here are seven tips to get a home that won't embarrass you and looks like you're always on top of you house cleaning routine. #cleaning #cleaningtips #fakeclean #housecleaningtips via @Leisurely Does It
5 Awesome Reasons Your Bedroom Should Be Clean And Tidy
It's tough to feel peaceful and get well-rested in a messy bedroom with clutter everywhere. An untidy room is also harder to get clean. Learn how a clean and tidy bedroom can have a major impact on your life and get the motivation you need to declutter. Also, get tips and inspiration to create a simple cleaning routine that keeps your room neat and organized. #bedroom #cleaning #cleaningtips via @Leisurely Does It
Spring Cleaning Checklist - How To Clean From Top to Bottom
Here's a free printable Spring Cleaning Checklist you can use to deep clean your home. #springcleaning #freeprintable #ldi via @Leisurely Does It
Kitchen Cleaning Checklist For When You Need To Deep Clean
Need a handy tool with simple tips and tricks to help you deep clean your kitchen? Grab this free printable Kitchen Cleaning Checklist to get a step-by-step cleaning routine that won't take you all day. See a list of recommended cleaning products and get started wiping down your countertops, stainless steel appliances and enjoying your spotless kitchen. #freeprintable #cleaning #cleaningtips #kitchen via @Leisurely Does It
How To Deep Clean A Mattress And Deodorize It | Leisurely Does It
Do you want to know how to deep clean a mattress at home? Your mattress can contain dirt, body fluids like sweat and even bed bugs! All of this can leave your bed with a funky smell. Follow these simple cleaning tips and ideas for how to get rid of stains from urine, blood and vomit especially if you have kids. Learn how to deodorize your mattress with baking soda and the best way to protect it so you can get a good night's sleep. #clean #cleaningtips #cleaning #bedroom via @Leisurely Does It
How To Clean A Toilet In Just A Few Minutes | Leisurely Does It
If you'd like to know how to clean a toilet thoroughly in just a few simple steps, follow this simple guide. Discover how to remove stains and ensure that the bowl, tank, seat and every other part of the commode is spotless. #cleaningtips #bathroom #ldi
Homemade Lemon Vinegar Gel
Get the cleaning power of vinegar in a gel form. This homemade lemon vinegar gel works great at cleaning and smells amazing too! This is a homemade cleaner you will want to use every day!
Save Your Relationship With This Free Bathroom Cleaning Checklist
A simple daily bathroom cleaning checklist is a must to avoid arguments over hair in the sink and dirty towels on the floor. See my list of recommended cleaning products to keep the shower or tubs, toilets and tiles clean. Download this free printable to get tips for an easy 5-minute cleaning routine for the bathrooms in your house. #bathrooms #cleaning #cleaningtips #freeprintable via @Leisurely Does It
10 Best Cleaning Products For Your Home That Make Life Easy
Who doesn't want a list of the best cleaning products to buy that will help keep everything in their home clean? From the soap scum on shower doors in the bathroom to the hardwood floors to your kitchen counters, you'll need a variety of cleaning supplies. No-one really enjoys all the scrubbing and dusting that housekeeping includes so here are the must-haves that will make your daily cleaning routine, spring cleaning or a deep cleaning schedule, a lot easier! #cleaning #cleaningtips #clean
Cleaning A New House? 11 Areas You Need To Clean Before Moving In
Have you recently bought a new home? Cleaning a new house before moving in is definitely recommended. Here's what to clean and simple tips for how to do it. #newhouse #cleaningtips #ldi via @Leisurely Does It
10 Best Laundry Tips That Will Simplify Life and Save Time
Is doing your family's laundry taking up too much of your time? All the sorting, washing and folding can be a lot to keep up with. Here are some simple laundry tips and tricks that will make the whole process go a lot faster each week. #laundrytips #clothes #cleaningtips
Daily Cleaning Schedule - How To Keep Your Home Clean
A daily cleaning list is an easy way to keep your house cleaning on track. Download this free printable for a quick daily house cleaning schedule by room. #freeprintable #cleaningtricks #cleaningtips #cleaning via @Leisurely Does It
10 Surprisingly Dirty Things In Your Home That You Touch Everyday
You probably spend a lot of time cleaning your house but it could still be filled with dirty things that can make you sick. Here's a list of the dirtiest things in your home. #cleaning #cleaningtips #cleaningtricks
Speed Cleaning Tips - How To Clean Your House Fast | Leisurely Does It
Sometimes, life gets in the way and you can't quite keep up with your regular cleaning routine. If your home is messy and you need to get it clean for company, follow these simple speed cleaning tips. Besides awesome ideas like focusing on the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms in the house that people will see, there's a list of cleaning products and tools you'll need, plus a free printable checklist of the steps to take. #cleaningtricks #cleaning #cleaningtips via @Leisurely Does It