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46 Pins
Aérial par Baptiste Debombourg - Journal du Design
Baptiste Debombourg #WOWmuseumsandgalleries
The Jealous Curator /// curated contemporary art
installation by photographer Autumn de Wilde titled "Lighting, Layers and Reflections" #installation #mirror #acrylic #art #contemporary #landscape
curated contemporary art /// i’m jealous of luka fineisen
luka fineisen - o wszystkim, co ważne | porady, wiedza, informacje
Xawery Wolski
This guy walks miles to make art that disappears days later.
This guy walks miles to make art that disappears days later.
Flickriver: Most interesting photos tagged with saami
Sami drum from Russian Lapland described by Friis and Rae - Nordic Mythology- See Comments by saamiblog, via Flickr
Now I know why I've always love tee-pees! Lapland Traditional Costumes, Finland
Portrait of pretty Sami girl in a traditional hat and peske at the Jokkmokk Winter Market. Sweden
Portrait of pretty Sami girl in a traditional hat and peske at the Jokkmokk Winter Market. Sweden
the Sami people are one of the indigenous people of the northern Europe inhabiting Sapmi, which today encompasses parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. The Sami people's best known livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer-herding.