
13 Pins
Recipe Substitutes - 100+ Food Replacements - The Gardening Cook
Staying fit and healthy shouldn’t be about making sacrifices. It should be about making substitutes. You can make a conscious decision on what to eat by incorporating delicious foods that help your body perform better and keep the extra pounds off.
Dieser Lachs mit mediterranem Ofengemüse passt wunderbar in dein Meal Prep Plan: Schmeckt köstlich, hat kaum Kalorien und lässt sich einfach vorbereiten..
Knackig und cremig zugleich: Angelehnt an klassische Guacamole, trumpft dieser Avocado-Salat mit Tomaten, frisch gewürfelter Salatgurke und Petersilie auf.
Hier bettet sich lockerer Couscous auf Baby-Spinat unter einer Decke aus Feta, Haselnüssen und fruchtigen Himbeeren.
Good Fats vs Bad Fats - Handy Guide • Healthy.Happy.Smart.
Good fats vs Bad Fats. Educate yourself on healthy fats vs unhealthy fats. Don't be afraid to have fats in your diet!
With this easy-to-do walk-through, the healthy possibilities are endless:)) How to make a #smoothie - #Healthy Living Pittsburgh
Avocado Pasta
Healthy Recipe | Avocado Pasta ......... The easiest, most unbelievably creamy avocado pasta that everyone will love. And it’ll be on your dinner table in just 20 min!
Guide to Creating the Ultimate Detox Smoothie | Healthy Smoothies - Feelin Fabulous
Guide to making the ultimate Green Smoothie for health, weight loss, and energy... Great for reference! // In need of a detox? Get your teatox on with 10% off using our discount code 'Pinterest10' on X