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NO ZIPPER, NO ELASTIC! With SIDE POCKETS it is very easy to sew a circle skirt
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Descubre las técnicas que te ayudarán a confeccionar tus propias prendas desde cero y sin experiencia previa.
molde de gorro pescador para imprimir
molde de gorro pescador para imprimir #moldes #costura #costuracriativa #artesanato #handmade #moda #costuracreativa #dise #costurando #hechoamano #sewing #costureira #coser #costurices #fashion #costurandocomamor #costurafacil #feitoamao #tecidos #a #patchwork #costurar #diy #altacostura #amocosturar #atelie #feitocomamor #arte #sew
367K views · 1.9K reactions | Sewing lovely loose pants for summer days! | Sewing lovely loose pants for summer days! | By MetDaan | Hello, Tiara lovers. You're about to see the process of how to make amazing loose pants which are just perfect for hot summer days. For these paints, the video creator is being very precise by measuring everything and then cutting in straight lines. Slowly getting the pant shape, who else is excited to see the end result? It's time to do some cuttings through the fabric according to the lines the video creator previously made. Getting pieces together, doing some more drawing, and then sewing down all of them. This is what the pieces look like so far. They're going to be pretty loose. Imagine yourself walking in these loose pants during summer days. Super comfy. Have you ever tried creating a piece for yourself? A sewing machine is just perfect for projects like this one. It will get you those firm stitches you need. Adding an elastic band all around the waist so the pants stay fit. The elastic band should always be smaller than the waist to fit just perfectly. After sewing it down to the paints, then, let's do a wrap and do some more stitches to cover the elastic. Down to some of the final stitches for these pants making. You'll see the end result in a bit. Three, two, one and the pans are ready. Enjoy the end result. How do you guys like these lolly pans?
Latest Very Easy Wrap Trouser Cutting & Stitching ll By Pakistani Fashion Designer
Latest Very Easy Wrap Trouser Cutting & Stitching ll By Pakistani Fashion Designer - YouTube