
8 Pins
Made My Day
Gerade im Zug: Mein Sohn (11) möchte sein Kuscheltier nicht mehr haben, da er ja jetzt ein Mann sei. Ein Soldat öffnet seine Tasche und zeigt ihm sein Kuscheltier und sagt ganz ruhig: „Auch Männer dürfen Kuscheltiere haben.“ #sosüß
When one of her premature twin babies had been...
When one of her premature twin babies had been declared dead by a doctor, Kate Ogg immediately cuddled him against her bare skin, told him his name, and explained how much she loved him. After 2 hours, he opened his eyes, began to breathe normally, and eventually made a full recovery. That was in 2010. Now the twins are old enough to understand their story.When they were first told of their miracle birth, Emily burst into tears and wouldn’t stop hugging her brother Jamie
Es kann so einfach sein!
Es kann so einfach sein ^^ #schön #Sprüche #GutenMorgen #sowahr #niedlich #süß #Homosexualität #schwul #Toleranz #WhatsAppStatus