Happy hump day my lovely friends. This morning I had the most delicious smoothie bowl with edible flowers, frozen berries and persimmon, celebrating the birth of my gorgeous new nephew Jonathan! Congrats to my SIL @judynaomi . Also celebrating the beautiful @allysongesch and her colorful party #allysonrae40k Congrats darling . #humpday #happy #wednesday #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree #smoothiebowl #smoothierecipes #smoothiebowls #smoothie #purple #love #delicious #beautiful #beau...
The Benefits of Being on a Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan
25+ Pink Smoothies Ideas for Breakfast - Enthusiastized
Pink smoothie bowl by Laura @laurafruitfairy with pitaya, banana, mullberries, passion fruit and gooseberries. #smoothiebowl #dragonfruit #berries
Blue Majik Summer Smoothie Bowl - Sister Chives
The ultimate Summer Smoothie Bowl - Blue Majik- Vegan - Yummy - check it out here !
7 Smoothie Bowls That Are Absolutely Worthy of Your Attention
super green smoothie bowl.
Skyr Berry Bowl mit Superfood Topping
Hier gibt es das Rezept für eine gesunde und supercremige Smoothie Bowl mit Beeren und energiegeladenen Superfoods als Topping.
Blue Mermaid Smoothie Bowl with E3Live Blue Majik
Kickstart your day by channeling your inner Ariel with this gorgeously dazzling…
Low Cost Acai Bowl Recipe - a delicious superfood smoothie.
low coast acai bowl
How To Achieve The Frosty Berries Look / Frozen Berries Tutorial ⋆ Fruit Fairy
How To Achieve The Frosty Berries Look / Frozen Berries Tutorial - Fruit Fairy
Mixed berry smoothie bowl
Mixed berry smoothie bowl. #smoothiebowl #smoothie #yoga #fruit #healthyfood #health #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #cbd #cbdlife