Survival & Tactical

315 Pins
How to clean your Glock with Breakthrough Clean
How to clean your Glock with Breakthrough Clean
What Is MOA? Calculating Minutes of Angle & Turret Adjustments
What Is MOA? We Help You Understand Minutes Of Angle [for Dummies]
Keep Your House Cool Without Air Conditioning
Whether your AC is broken or your home never had air conditioning, keeping cool during the hot summer months is vital. Here's how we keep our off-grid house cool all summer long without any air conditioning. Are you making any of our rookie mistakes?
Ana Maria Spagna on Her New Book, 100 Skills You’ll Need for the End of the World (as We Know It) - Orion Magazine
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Without a Compass:
Whether we are walking or driving, whether in the woods, on the water, or in the city, it's vital that we know where we are and are able to find our way around. But with society's current dependence on modern tools and technology, many persons would have no idea how to navigate without a compass or GPS. In an emergency situation, that lack of knowledge could easily prove fatal.