einfach Kochen herzhaft

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Parmesan Zucchini Chips
Baked Garlic Parmesan Zucchini Chips – Crispy and flavorful baked zucchini chips covered in seasoned panko bread crumbs with garlic and Parmesan. #zucchini #chips #healthyrecipes
This may contain: someone is making some food on a sheet of tin foil and it looks like they are wrapped in paper
Pesto Strudel aus Blätterteig | einfach und lecker kochen | herzhaft backen | Tomate Mozzarella
15min · 4 servings Rezept auf meinem Blog Zutaten • 1 Rolle Blätterteig aus dem Kühlregal • 2 EL Pesto nach Wahl • 2 große Tomaten • 1 Kugel Mozzarella • 1 Eigelb • 1 Hand voll Pinienkerne • Frischer Basilikum • Salz & Pfeffer
Healthy food recipes | Food recipe | Healthy food ideas | Food lover | Food Inspo |
Quick balanced breakfast 😍👇 (via: @chef_dmitriy_official) Ingredients: 🍅 Flatbread 🍅 Eggs: 3-4 pcs. 🍅 Spinach 🍅 Mozzarella 🍅 Cherry tomatoes 🍅 Feta cheese 🍅 Salt, pepper Preparation: 🍳 In a greased baking dish, place the flatbread in 2 layers, then add the spinach, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, eggs, and salt and pepper. 🍳 Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees (355 F) Enjoy your meal! 😋
Pasta with delicate Camembert sauce -
Pasta with delicate Camembert sauce - all you need to do is put cherry tomatoes, garlic and Camembert in a baking dish. Add pesto sauce - this is an important ingredient, pour in olive oil, pepper and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. squeeze the garlic and mix everything, the sauce is ready! cook the pasta until al dente and add to the sauce 🤤 you can also add separately cooked seafood, fish or meat . .
Tortilla Quiche Bake 🍳
The eggs are light and fluffy. Crisp on the tortilla bottom. And the cheesy top with veggies. Perfect breakie. #mealpreparation #mealpreps #mealprepmonday #cookingvideo #mealideas #recipetesting #foodprepping #recipeideas #mealoftheday #healthyfoodblog #healthymealideas #healthymeals #mealprepping #workoutfood #mealprepdaily
Du brauchst für 2 Portionen:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 2 Blöcke Mie Nudeln (125 g)⁣⁣ 1 Zucchini⁣⁣ 1/2 Brokkolikopf⁣⁣ 1 Handvoll Champignons⁣⁣ 1 rote Paprika⁣⁣ 120 g Kichererbsen⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 300 ml Gemüsebrühe⁣⁣ 200 ml Kokosmilch⁣⁣ 2-3 EL Erdnussmus⁣⁣ 1 EL Tomatenmark⁣⁣ 2 TL Currypulver⁣⁣ 1 TL Salz⁣⁣ Etwas Pfeffer⁣⁣ 1/2 TL Kreuzkümmel⁣⁣ 1/2 TL Paprika Edelsüß⁣⁣ Du kannst die Zutaten für die Soße auch in einer separaten Schüssel zusammenrühren und dann mit in die Ofenform geben. Bei 180 grad ca. 30-35 Minuten backen und bei der Hälfte der Zeit kurz umrühren 💡⁣⁣ ⁣⁣
Ouvi esta receita de avós perto da entrada 🤣🤣🤣 ou apenas uma versão inusitada de pizza com tortilhas • _________________ • 🙏 Um pequeno pedido, quem vai marcar a receita📌, escrever qualquer emoticon ou comentário. Quero ver quem gosta do que eu faço 🙌🏽💫 É muito importante pra mim 🥰 • _____________ • 🍜Ingredientes: • ✅ Bolos 2 unidades • ✅ Queijo • ✅ Espinafre • ✅ Atum enlatado • ✅ Arco Voador 🧅 • ✅ Ovo 3-4pcs • ✅Óleo vegetal • ✅ Especiarias (mistura de pimentas) 👨‍🍳 Cozinhar: • Bolos chatos são tortilhas (se precisar recortar no formato é só prender o fundo da forma e fazer círculos com uma faca) espalhar um bolo, polvilhar com queijo ralado, depois cobrir o outro, espinafre por cima, depois atum ( escorra a água) rodelas de cebola, coloque os ovos por cima,
Zutaten (für 4 Portionen - ich habe das Rezept verdoppelt): 2 Blöcke Mie Nudeln (125g) 1 Zucchini 1/2 Brokkolikopf 2 Hand voll Champignons 1 rote Paprika 300 ml Gemüsebrühe 120 g Kichererbsen 200 ml Kokosmilch 3 EL Erdnussbutter 1 gehäufter EL Tomatenmark 1 TL Currypulver 1 TL Salz Pfeffer 1/2 TL Kreuzkümmel 1/2 TL Paprika Edelsüß
Salmon Pasta 🍣🍝
Ingredients: 2 pieces salmon 4 cups fresh spinach 3 tomatoes 3/4 cups herb cream cheese light salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano 1 tbsp olive oil Directions: Bake in the oven at 390°F for about 20 min. Enjoy🫶