22 Pins
Don’t be an 8-bit chicken! Check out the calls for submission from PunksWritePoemsPress.
Neon Sign Effects
Neon Lights Retro Logos Effects This graphic resource gives you a quick & easy possibility to apply a high quality and classic neon style to your text, artwork or logo. You can use it on simple text, shapes and vector logo. You just need to replace them into one of the smart objects and just click save. Create a great poster or flyer, a facebook cover, a magazine title or a website banner and give them the radical neon lights touch. Inside the package you’ll find 9 exclusive Photoshop
Exciting Arcade-Museums, Feed Her, Stranger Things Cravings - My Best Blog
Exciting Arcade-Museums Feed Her Stranger Things Cravings
Cuando los videojuegos molaban
Cuando los videojuegos molaban | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (Note: that's a Super Famicom, the Japanese SNES, but otherwise everything looks very American)
Picade Console
This DIY kit is a compact, Raspberry Pi-powered retro games machine with authentic fight stick-style arcade controls that plugs right into your TV, monitor, or other HDMI display. #RaspberryPi #gaming #DIY #RETROGAMING
Tyler Spangler - Artwork Copyright © Tyler Spangler Buy prints...
Tyler Spangler — Artwork Copyright © Tyler Spangler Buy prints...