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Bilderparade Archive
Begrüßt den Advent mit einem Kranz an der Tür - Weihnachtskranz basteln
Weihnachtskranz basteln - 20 Ideen - Weihnachten 2017 - basteln für Weihnachten - DIY Dekoideen Weihnachten - Türkranz basteln - DIY Weihnachtsdeko basteln
Christmas Decor DIY Ideas To Get Crafting for the Holidays & Meaningful Quotes - Hello Lovely
Looking for a unique decor for your Christmas 2019? This wall mounted christmas tree in driftwood is perfect for those who are tired of picking up the thorns of a real tree, for those who want to decorate a small space, or for those who like to be original! This is a custom tree, so you can choose the size and the colors of your ornaments (gold, red, blue, silver, light green, pink, white, wood). Click trough to create your own Christmas tree!