
24 Pins
78 anni fa, oggi, faceva il suo debutto, uno dei personaggi #cartoon📺 più amati nel suo genere😍 e che è riuscito a imporsi fino ai giorni nostri: #BugsBunny🐇! E come potevamo evitare di dedicargli un tributo🐰 attraverso alcuni dei #bugsbunnytattoo🥕 più divertenti del web💻?! . . . . . . #bugsbunny #bugsbunnytattoo #tattoobugsbunny #tattoobugs #tattoobunny #tatuaggiobugsbunny #bugsbunnytatuaggio #cartoontattoo #chesuccedeamico #tattoocartoon
Could you think of a more appropriate tattoo than a weed tatt? We sure can’t. People often get tattoos to showcase a moment or a thing that is significant to their life. Whether it is to commemorate a special person in their life, a symbol that holds meaning, or something they just simply like, tattoos … #blacktattooVorlage #Darkblacktattoo #blacktattooLeg #Heavyblacktattoo #blacktattooArm #crohnstattoo
Could you think of a more appropriate tattoo than a weed tatt? We sure can’t. People often get tattoos to showcase a moment or a thing that is significant to their life. Whether it is to commemorate a special person in their life, a symbol that holds meaning, or something they just simply like, tattoos … #blacktattooVorlage #Darkblacktattoo #blacktattooLeg #Heavyblacktattoo #blacktattooArm #crohnstattoo Could you think of a more appropriate tattoo than a weed tatt? We sure can’t. People of
Image result for tattoos weed weed Pinterest Tattoo, Skateboard tattoo and Weed tattoo
Image result for tattoos weed weed Pinterest Tattoo Skateboard tattoo and Weed tattoo