
14 Pins
Young Photographer Achieves Cathartic Emotional Release through His Visual Diary
"I don’t usually talk about my feelings, but with the help of photography I can have a catharsis." – Photographer Daniel Serva #PhotoshopTutorialHowToMake
15 inquietantes imágenes que muestran el paso del tiempo
I'm still me! I think this picture expresses it so well. Inside this old body we are still the same person. We are still YOUNG inside! It's just our body that has grown older.
Лучшие 25 фотографии, обработанные в фотошопе
Лучшие 25 фотографии, обработанные в фотошопе
We Heart It
Where I walk, where I sleep Flowers bloom, ivy creeps The turning world, the gift of life Mine