
167 Pins
From today's LifeNotes . . “Secretly, you wish what all of us do; that people will accept the real you. . . ” @SharieKing99 Catch Sharie and "What Do You Believe About Yourself?" . . at LifeNotes . . the Cafe blog . .
The 50 most PERFECTLY timed photos on the Internet. The last one made me laugh so hard!
“I speak to you as a friend speaks or a true lover not out of friendship nor love but for a clear meeting of self upon self.” [— Audre Lorde, from “Conversations in Crisis,” Coal (W. W. Norton & Company, 1996)]
Photo (The Absolute Best Photography Posts)
The Ant's Dream! by Rakesh Rocky:!-by-rakesh-rocky?utm_medium=pinterest&utm_campaign=nativeshare&utm_content=web&utm_source=500px #Photography #Ant
Platform diving in Barcelona
DIVING: Linadini Yasmin and Dewi Setyaningsih of Indonesia compete in the Women's 10m Platform Synchronised Diving preliminary round on day three of the 15th FINA World Championships at Piscina Municipal de Montjuic on July 22, 2013 in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo by Adam Pretty/Getty Images). original is color. Switched tumblr for source.
Forced Perspective; a Flower Skirt
Pinterestは、写真のアングルを学ぶ宝庫。1つの写真で、ピンとくる角度が 人それぞれ違うのも見物ですね〜
Powerful Train Engines Chug Through Beautiful Landscapes
Powerful steel engines blowing huge, undulating clouds of smoke into the air emerge from the fog in these strikingly beautiful images by engineer and self-taught photographer Matthew Malkiewicz.