Yoga props

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Julio Dieguez Papi on Instagram: "Restorative. After a period dedicated to back extensions, Guruji advices restorative poses, like Uttanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Sarvangasana, Setu Bandha, Viparita Karani… Here a special mix with a few Sarapanjanasana variations. And some basic detox sequencing with the final inversions. I integrated them with soft twists, including prone, to reduce the spasm in the lower back, releasing it. It gives lot of chances to observe the different states that body and mind gently pass through the whole practice. Breathe, release, reset, recover. #yoga #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogateacher #yogarestaurativo #restorativeyoga #restorative #yogaforall #recovery #yogaforhealth #backbend #backbends #yogaforbackpain #yogaformentalhealth #yogainspiration #yogaforspo
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