s h o o t i n g & s t y l e

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Rowboat Lake Samish Engagement
Photography: Joe & Patience - joeandpatience.com Read More: http://www.stylemepretty.com/2014/05/09/rowboat-lake-samish-engagement/
Hands. We love hands for the story they tell, the work they do, and the love the convey... - Photography: @piaclodi
Majestic beauty coming straight from the lens of another incredibly talented #PMmuse, none other than @darcybenincosa. D’Arcy has a wealth of knowledge ranging from business to motivational speaking to coaching and of course, photography. This image is magical. - Headpiece @opalandowl, styling @pearlandgodiva, hair and makeup @bellacosabeauty
Have you ever found yourself doubting the choices you make? Doubting the success you've achieved thus far? Just doubting life in general? We all go through these phases - feelings of inadequacy and a lack of confidence can plague even the most confident of us. The ebb and flow of a creative career makes having a community so much more important, which is why we're here to cheer you on. To celebrate your achievements. To say 'you got this girl'. - Photo by @kylejohnphoto who inspires us for his m