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Heart Balloon cards for Valentine's Day. 3 easy Valentine's crafts that are easy for kids to make from jane-can.com.
"Pop Art Hearts" by Will243
Pop Art Hearts: 2 painted papers cut into 3 squares each; heart cut from each square and mounted in negative space in another square Will243's art on Artsonia
Valentine Collage
Valentine Collage. A great way to demonstrate different painting textures and techniques. Paint papers with different tools and let dry. Then cut your papers into hearts and make a Valentine bouquet.
The BEST Easy DIY Mother’s Day Gifts and Treats Ideas – Holiday Craft Activity Projects, Free Printables and Favorite Brunch Desserts Recipes for Moms and Grandmas
Learn How to Quill a darling Heart Shaped Mother's Day Paper Craft Gift Idea via Paper Chase - Moms and Grandmas will love these pretty handmade works of art! The BEST Easy DIY Mother's Day Gifts and Treats Ideas - Holiday Craft Activity Projects, Free Printables and Favorite Brunch Desserts Recipes for Moms and Grandmas
Romero Britto Inspired Pattern Hearts - Gr 5
Learn to Teach.Teach to Learn.: Romero Britto Inspired Pattern Hearts - Gr 5
Fourth Grade Mixed Media Jim Dine Work
ART with Mrs. A: Fourth Grade Mixed Media Jim Dine Work
The Imagination Box Blog
Make a great card or wall art with this free download, a Valentine's Day inspired 'Modern art Hidden Heart' colouring activity. Great for children to experiment with how different colours can impact each other. Will the heart 'recede' or 'jump out'?
Artwork by RaceCarKB1
Artsonia Art Museum :: Artwork by RaceCarKB1
could so use this artists work as a starting point for a art lesson!!