The GilletteLabs universal blade refill cartridge by Gillette can be used with all GilletteLabs razors. GilletteLabs razors include the world's first razor with exfoliating technology built into the handle, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face, and the world's first Heated Razor, for soothing warmth and feeling of a hot towel, barber shave. This innovative razor blade refill features Gillettes best blades for a shave that is close and comfortable. The razor blade refill cartridge h Barber Shave, Washing Your Face, Smooth Shave, Razor Blade, Wash Your Face, First Names, First World, Favorite Things List, Shaving

Gillette Labs Cartridges

The GilletteLabs universal blade refill cartridge by Gillette can be used with all GilletteLabs razors. GilletteLabs razors include the world's first razor with exfoliating technology built into the handle, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face, and the world's first Heated Razor, for soothing warmth and feeling of a hot towel, barber shave. This innovative razor blade refill features Gillettes best blades for a shave that is close and comfortable. The razor blade refill…


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